OVI - DUI, its more serious than you think, here’s why:
The Court can suspend your driver's license for a significant amount of time (typically 6 months to 5 years) and can limit your driving privileges to and from work.
Court costs, fines and probation/administrative fees for a first offense OVI - DUI conviction typically starts at $1,000.00.
Ohio Law requires mandatory jail time (or 72-hour driver intervention programs) or even a first offense OVI - DUI.
A conviction for DUI - OVI will put 6 points on your license. 12 points in a 24 month period will automatically suspend your license for 1 year.
If you have prior OVI – DUI convictions, the penalties for a subsequent OVI – DUI can be enhanced…..typically doubled.
A conviction for an OVI – DUI can affect your commercial driver's license (even though you were driving your personal vehicle when the offense occurred).
Contrary to common belief….DUI – OVI convictions do not “fall off your record” after a period of time. Typically, they are never removed.
Some employers will not be able to hire you with a prior DUI conviction.
The Court can force a person convicted of DUI – OVI into mandatory drug and alcohol treatment in certain circumstances.
For persons with multiple prior convictions of OVI – DUI, the court may seize your vehicle.
If you are charged with OVI – DUI, you need to immediately seek legal assistance to help you navigate this serious and difficult event.